I realize that the term “Complete Preschool Homeschool Curriculum” can be polarizing. I get it. In our home, however, Older Daughter taught herself to read prior to her 3rd birthday. She was (and still is) a sponge for learning and information. By reading great books to her and giving her focused Mommy (& Daddy) time after Younger Daughter was born, it facilitated her zest for learning. I’m talking fun puzzles, mazes, letters, numbers, etc. With that said, here’s what worked for our family in the preschool years.
Over the years, some of the books in each Sonlight package may vary, as the curriculum is updated. However, they’re still all Sonlight-curated books!
Sonlight Preschool Package: Fiction, Fairy Tales, and Fun
Calico Spanish Homeschool
Kumon workbooks
Here are just a couple examples of the kinds of Kumon workbooks we used (clickable):