Okay, so if you’ve read my Magical Drink post…
…you’ve already seen my love for Edens Garden Essential Oils.
(By the way, Edens Garden has been voted the #1 Non-MLM Essential Oil Company!)
I recently ran out of my Lavender Oil and needed to order some more soooooo that means I ordered a few other things too. Of course. I have an ongoing list of new oils I want to try, and with FREE SHIPPING, I couldn’t resist. Now this time around, I didn’t go bananas but ordered the Lavender, Sweet Orange and Sleep Ease.
A friend made me bathroom spray that is made from 4 oz. distilled water and 30 drops of Sweet Orange and it takes ALL THE SMELLS away. It’s awesome.
I’ve been wanting to try their Sleep Ease Oil because I am not a good sleeper. I want to sleep but it usually takes me a while to get there but once I am asleep, I cannot wake up well in the morning (just ask my husband…). So I’m hoping this little gem helps me get to sleep in a more relaxed way.
You’ll see from the picture, each order comes with a “150 Ways to Use Essential Oils” pamphlet. I have made many of their recipes and use their oils every day whether it’s using them on myself, my kids, diffusing, cleaning, smell spraying, you name it- every day there’s something that’s being oiled in my house.
And the Edens Garden shipments look like this- pure cuteness! It’s happy mail- not all that junk and political propaganda I’ve been receiving lately!!!
So I hope if you’re looking for a great brand of Essential Oils that is of excellent quality, but won’t break the bank, I hope you try Edens Garden.
What’s your favorite essential oil & why? Please share in the comments below!