How to organize your homeschool for summer break sounds a bit like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? Summer break is often when we put all the homeschool curriculum and supplies away and enjoy some time off. That’s for sure where our family is at this year. Swimming lessons have already begun and warmer weather is literally days away.
Last year at this time, however, our family was in southeast Asia. We worked hard to finish our school year prior to the trip, and when we got home, jet lag and summer activities took over. I never took the time to organize our homeschool for the coming school year. So, when school started, I was a little behind.
I’m beyond thrilled to be partnering with Sonlight Curriculum for the 2018-2019 school year as a Sonlight Ambassador. After using Sonlight from the beginning of our children’s formal education (6 years & counting!) and loving it, Sonlight has provided me with HBL E, Science E, LA E (including optional supplements & handwriting), and an art elective, for our next school year. I look forward to sharing with you as we explore America’s history from the mid-1800s to present time. All opinions are 100% my own.
This year, I’m getting everything organized at the beginning of summer break, so when the first day of school arrives, I can open the Sonlight Instructor Guides (IGs) and begin. Sonlight makes it so easy!
Goodbye (until later) & Hello
We said goodbye to History/Bible/Literature (HBL) D, Science D, and Language Arts (LA) D (at least until Younger Daughter’s turn)…
…and hello to HBL E, Science E, LA E, and a drawing elective. Here is Older Daughter on Box Day (woot!) already engrossed in a great Sonlight book. This is why, a few days after Box Day, the new books are off-limits until school starts. There would be nothing left to read!
Book Labels
This past week, I began organizing our homeschool for summer break. My first step was to label the books. Did you know that Sonlight has these handy book labels? They’re extra helpful once you’ve enjoyed more than one Sonlight level, as they easily help you find the right books.
IG Assembly
I love assembling the IGs myself! It gives me a chance to see an overview of what we’ll be learning throughout the year, as I organize the weeks. (Sonlight offers an IG Assembly service if assembling them yourself isn’t your jam. The option appears in your cart, after you’ve added an IG or a package that includes an IG.)
Since Sonlight Level A, I have chosen to assemble the HBL and Science IGs together in Sonlight’s larger binder with tabs and the Language Arts IG by itself in Sonlight’s smaller binder with tabs.
My kids wanted to be right there with me while I was assembling the IGs. And, as per usual in our house, Older Daughter was reading a book (from HBL D) in the process.
I love the new accent colors that have been added to the Science and Language Arts IGs this year!
IG Customization
Sonlight’s IGs are already a really great daily way to organize your homeschool, guiding you through each school day and providing comprehension questions and talking points. Another reason I love Sonlight’s IGs is that they are customizable. In the Additional Subjects section, I can add rows for math, Spanish, health, and other electives (or whatever other items you need to keep track of).
Sonlight Level E
I’ve been looking forward to learning more about this part of history for several years now. At every Sonlight level, I learn so much, along with my children! We love the colorful and informative Usborne books. My husband has already read The World Wars in its entirety. And I can’t wait to read books like The Winged Watchman and other historical fiction set in the World War II era.
Summer Readers
In the meantime, before our new school year starts in a couple months, we have Sonlight’s Elementary School Girls Summer Reader Set to keep us company!
Read more about why we chose Sonlight and how Sonlight helps us have the freedom to travel. We also have a Free Video Playlist for the songs in Sonlight PreK!
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