I posted the following (see below) post on my personal Facebook page today and received a lot of thankful comments. I don’t want to add too much but I am getting tired of having “Feminism” shouted and slammed in my face throughout social media lately. So much so that when I hear the word “Feminism” now my first thought is, “Give it a rest ladies. Give it a rest.”
I was recently shopping on a children’s clothes website for my daughter and about 70% of the t-shirts are about girl power, girls running the world, girls rule. When I was in high school, I’m sure I would have worn one of those shirts proudly. But now…not so much and sometimes don’t even want to be associated (because I am a woman) with the rallying feminists of today’s age. I feel like they are tainting what God created it to be. I need to stay aware of this too, so that my daughter understands God’s intention for womanhood and feminism.
Can I do some things that men can do? Yes. Do I want to do all those things and be better than them at it? No. I want men to be men and keep our God-given roles and talents where they should be, and vice versa. I want to be good at the stuff that I was made to do, whatever that is. I don’t hear any men running around yelling about “I want to give birth and breastfeed and raise kids and run a household and work a job outside the home while doing it- better than you!!!!” Makes me think MEN are the true feminists…think about that statement.
So in light of all the Women’s Marches (don’t get me started…) and International Women’s Day and well just the last 37 years of my life, this is my Facebook post this morning:
I am a woman. I am happy to be one.
But I am happy to not just depend on myself to survive.
I have a great God Who is my Rock. Rejoice! I have a wonderful husband, who I was created equal to but my role is to be his helper. His role is to be the leader. Rejoice!
I find power in ACTUALLY knowing what I am meant to do on this earth. It takes all the guesswork and pain out of unattainable goals I could set for myself. Goals that never seem to fulfill the women that fight for them. Goals that always seem to be made bigger and thrown in the world’s face but will never be satisfied even if demands are met.
Is my life perfect? No. Have I had dreams that I’ve let die so that I can fulfill my role as wife and mother. Yes and some weren’t easy to let die and haunted me for years. But when it is hard, I rest in the fact that God has provided me with everything I need to fill those roles and I can depend on Him through it all.
Thank You, God, for making me a woman.
Who are the women in your life that you are grateful for? Please share in the comments below!