In my personal time spent in the Bible, I’ve been feeling a lack of passion. Like I’m doing it to check it off my list everyday but I don’t feel like it meant much more than just that. Which is no bueno. It should be way more than that. The Bible is God’s Word- His WORDS- to us and we should be seeking Him daily through it. So one morning, I was listening to one of my worship stations on Pandora and Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts) came on by Shane and Shane. Not only are they one of my favorite groups, and man oh man can they put on a concert, but the words hit me in this same moment that I wanted more. So in the middle of getting ready for the day, and yep I was still in my underwear, I turned up the song, grabbed my NIV/The Message Bible and read Psalm 46 OUT LOUD to MYSELF, both the NIV and The Message version. It had an impact. It wasn’t just reading some verses out loud in small group question time at church, it was reading the WORD OF GOD into the air, into my day, into my life. When our Christian life gets stagnant, the answer is to not give up, it’s to mix it up. Still doing our daily disciplines of prayer and Bible reading, yet trying it differently so it means something- so it makes an impact and a lasting one at that.
“Lord of Hosts, You’re with us
with us in the fire,
with us as a shelter,
with us in the storm.
You will lead us
through the fiercest battle,
oh where else would we go,
but with the Lord of Hosts.”
Psalm 46:1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though it’s waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”