I can’t even say how many years we’ve been homeschooling, because it just became a natural part of our lives. Even before we began “formally” homeschooling, we were already teaching and training our children, and they were learning.
Homeschooling families choose that educational path for a variety of reasons. Certainly, that homeschooling gives the freedom to travel is one of those reasons. It wasn’t one of our major deciding factors in choosing to homeschool. It has, however, provided some great benefits.

Benefit #1: Flexibility
Since a lot of our curriculum is literature-based (Sonlight), we have done weeks worth of school in the car on road trips. It’s fabulous! I’ll read the passages for the day, and we’ll discuss them, just like we do at home. This has actually allowed us to do multiple school days at a time in one long day of driving.
Sick days don’t count as absences. We will get the work done another day, with no pressure.
We don’t have to figure out drop-off & pick-up each day, and we learn in the comfort of our own home.
Growing up in Arizona, I had to ride the school bus in 100+ F temperatures. And let’s just say that these were not air conditioned buses. And let’s also just say that the seats were upholstered in vinyl. No fun. Thankfully, our children won’t have to experience that.
We can be involved in a co-op, and we can go on field trips whenever it fits our schedule.

Benefit #2: No Homework
When we’re done with school for the day, we’re done. I don’t have to spend hours deciphering and assisting with homework packets, because there are no homework packets. Yay!

Benefit #3: Seeing the World
This benefit is really special. My husband and I have had the opportunity to travel extensively, both before we knew each other and since we’ve been married. It is our desire that our children be able to experience the world as well, and homeschooling opens that door. This could be traveling somewhere halfway around the world or staying right in our own neck of the woods.
Homeschooling also allows for visiting places on off-peak times or when public school is in session (for example, our recent trip to Southeast Asia). This may mean things are less expensive and less crowded.

Homeschooling gives the freedom to travel for our family.
We’re looking forward to our next adventures, in travel & in our homeschool!
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