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I’m considering contacting Disney to see if they want to feature this in the next installment of Pirates of the Caribbean! The swaths of fabric hanging about. The metal bent at awkward angles. It’d be perfect!
It is not, however, perfect for us anymore…as you can see! When we bought our house, the backyard included a large 29′ x 12′ cement patio slab. However, there was no patio covering…no shade. Not being in the market for a full-fledged patio cover at the time, we found a gazebo for a reasonable price. It had steel frames, a large shade canopy, and insect netting. My husband assembled it and secured it with several very heavy bricks on each corner. It provided great shade for the patio, as well as the nearby windows.
After about three years of SoCal sun, the material on the canopy began to fray.
Rather than purchase an entire new gazebo structure, we found that we could purchase a replacement cover by itself, so that’s what we did.
Fast forward three more years of SoCal sun, and the canopy was starting to look sad once again. We knew what to do. We purchased another replacement cover and would make the gazebo as good as new again. Only this time, before we were able to get the new cover installed, gale-force winds (well, probably not, but it seemed like it!) came through our area, thrashed what was left of the canopy, and caused the gazebo to literally bend to a 45-degree angle. Those steel frames? Bent. Those heavy bricks? No match for the wind. This is why I’m considering contacting Disney. But, if that doesn’t work out, what to do?
It seems the best choice would be to hire a contractor to build a patio cover.
But alas, a patio cover is not the most inexpensive home improvement endeavor. So, we need to come up with a new solution, because in the meantime, the windows on that part of the house are again without any exterior shade.
In terms of “interior shade,” good window coverings (or window treatments) are imperative for many reasons.
Privacy is the first one that comes to mind. Have you ever been in a house that doesn’t have any window coverings…especially in the bedrooms and bathrooms? Yeeks! Another reason is to keep heating and cooling costs down. Energy-efficient window coverings help insulate the house from drastic temperature changes. We also used blackout drapes in our kids’ rooms when they were little, to prevent unnecessary wake-ups.
But, aside from spending for a patio cover, are window coverings in the budget? It turns out that window coverings can be really affordable. There is such a variety of styles and materials to choose from to create the exact aesthetic you’re looking for.
Thankfully, while we figure out the patio cover situation, we can have privacy and save on heating and cooling costs because of our window coverings.
How have you provided interior & exterior shade for your home? Please share in the comments below!